sc 332 The First Day

sc episode 332

Jose’s Hideaway is back in operation!  Toppie, Sassy and Mr. Angel experience the first day as the restaurant re-opens for business after a long hiatus!

Today’s story about Father Duffy is based on a story idea from Musing Mark from the Musings of a Tech Writer podcast .

Today’s episode is dedicated to RT Crusier. Here is the open letter from RT Cruiser to the Pride48 community:

Hello my Pride48 family

Some of you know me, some of you know of me and some are going who the fuck is this dick head and trashing this email.

I’m just writing this email as a thank all of you. I’ve been going through some personal issues at the moment and it looks like they have come to a critical point where my mind is taking me to dark and scary places.

Don’t worry I’m not doing anything stupid, I just don’t think any of you realise how important something like Pride48 is to a sad depressed, fat, middle aged man who lives on the other side of the world (you thought I was talking about Vera but no I have my hair).

You have all kept me sane (well until now anyway) by making me feel connected to something, even if it’s a guest spot on a show, a few tweet exchanges or even BigFatty and Daniel Brewer murdering my name on their shows for comic effect.

While a lot of shows are light hearted fun others are serious but all provide a valuable service for those who, for what ever reason, think they are alone and have no one or no one that understands. I know a lot of you are dealing or have dealt with what I am going through at the moment and that gives me comfort and hope that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a freight train coming towards me.

I would especially like to thank Daniel and Adam for creating such a resource for the GLBTQIAI?%$# community not just in America but world wide.

Just the thought of meeting you all (with exception of those LOTSL stop outs) has given me something to look forward to in the coming weeks, which has helped a great deal in admitting I have a problem that I have decided to get help for it. Well that and being of Scottish ancestry means I’m not going to waste a perfectly good holiday I’ve already paid for.

Going to Vegas was a way for me to finally get out of my comfort zone and start to do some living instead of just existing, which has been my life for what seems like and eternity, so when you see me in Vegas and my meds have not kicked in and you think I’m bringing the place down just smack me across the back of the head and tell me to snap out of it (I know that’s the opposite of what you are supposed to do but I am Australian).

Anyway I think I’ve ruined your day enough and I’ll attempt to shut my broken brain down for now but I mean it when I say that whether you realise it or not everyone in the Pride48 community, podcasters and listeners alike need to know that what they do is helping people like me.

With all my love and gratitude

AKA RTCruiser
AKA Minion 88
AKA Square 88
AKA TWAT (thanks Vera)

PS This is an open letter to everyone involved in Pride48 including other listeners. Feel free to share it on your shows for those whose email address I don’t have. If you do share feel free to edit it make it make sense. I’ve re-read it three times but still not sure if it makes some sense or is complete gibberish but I’m sure you get the gist.

As we all know depression mental illness and suicide are far too common in our community and if someone can stop and get help before they get to the point I have I think I will have done my good deed for the day.

God, now I know I’m just rambling and I don’t even have red hair (but my beard is a bit ginger)

FFS brain just stop

Hugs everyone I’m going now, not going gone just from this email.

Fuck my head is screwed

For reals bye

Write to Toppie at Leave a comment right here on Toppie’s blog. Friend Toppie on Facebook and follow him on Twitter and Google+. Look at kooky stuff on

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5 Responses to “sc 332 The First Day”

  1. cronehaven Says:

    I’ll try this comment again; beg pardon if it shows up three times . . . What was the background music in this episode? I couldn’t identify it.


  2. cronehaven Says:

    Thanks, Toppie!


  3. BrokeBacon Says:

    I am going to look for Dallas Codey on Instagram. Yup. I want to see pictures of all the gang. I’m sure there will be some.

    (And by broke I’m referring to my wallet, not her arm!).

    Huge kudos to RT.


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