sc 607 LOTSL Episode 1: Who be them “Sovereign Citizens,” Anyway?

The LOTSL crew asks: What the heck is this “Sovereign Citizen” thing about?  Plus, much much more!

Hey, listen folks: We here at LOTSL are getting a whole new show up off the ground with the all new LOTSL!  However… there have been some unexpected technical setbacks… all of which we will eventually finger out.  But until then… you might as well hear it on the ol’ Smellcast feed until such time as we get it right.  So… HERE WE GO…  ENJOY!

Write to Toppie at Leave a comment right here on Toppie’s blog!  Follow him on X. Friend Toppie on Facebook by emailing him YOUR FB name and link, then Toppie will find YOU and friend you!

You can listen to Episode 607 of the Smellcast right now on your computer or phone by clicking the play button below, or you can click on the three vertical dots and download it for later.

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2 Responses to “sc 607 LOTSL Episode 1: Who be them “Sovereign Citizens,” Anyway?”

  1. BUTLER Says:

    Congratulations to Brenda on upgrading from Cedar Rapids, to the best part of Iowa


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