A  C U R I O U S   A U D I O  A D V E N T U R E


Start with a personal journal podcast about a 60-something year old gay man, mix in some current events and add a healthy dose of some very odd fantasy elements and you have Toppie Smellie’s THE SMELLCAST!

Toppie takes you with him as he tests the boundaries of the podcasting universe.

Sometimes The Smellcast is merely mind numbingly mundane — but in a pleasant sort of way. Sometimes you will find it funny — in a sort of stupid, affected way.

Other times you will discover within it
real pathos, human drama,
whimsy, surrealism,
and occasionally
utter nonsense.

Fun! Entertaining! Mysterious!

AND… It doesn’t REALLY stink all THAT much…

Toppie in his chicken coop apartment

You can e-mail Toppie at the following address: