Posts Tagged ‘Peter G’

sc 302 The Train Wreck

January 4, 2013

sc episode 302

Toppie begins the new year with a reprise of episode fifteen’s “Old Timey Joke-A-Palooza!” And then… train wreck!

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sc 262 The Revelation

March 14, 2012

A mysterious recording is played on the show today that seems to confirm Toppie’s secret suspicions about his beloved Auntie Tappie!  Also: Sassy phones in from France!  Plus: meet Toppie’s new intern, Malik.  And finally:  Identify what television series from the ’70’s that is associated with the music Toppie goes out on today!  Send your guesses to!

Mentioned on the show today is Brenda Boo’s “Hello Again, It’s Brenda Boo!” 

Also mentioned is Ranger John from the Dark Forest Podcast.

Also mentioned, is ThatPeterG from the twitters!

Write to Toppie at Leave a comment right here on Toppie’s blog. Friend Toppie on Facebook and follow him on Twitter and Google+. Look at kooky stuff on Check out the Rainbow Podsquad Network!

LEFT click HERE to LISTEN to episode 262 on your computer NOW.

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